Build a better travel policy - online

Corporate Traveller’s online travel policy tool has been enhanced with new functionality.
A well-planned travel policy answers all the questions surrounding business travel, so you or your travel bookers don’t have to. Without a travel policy and the right technology to support it, business travel can easily become an expensive and time-consuming exercise. And that’s for everyone involved.
Having a succinct and easy-to-read guide that includes the information you and your staff need to make smart travel decisions, ensures that travellers and your travel bookers know exactly what is expected from them throughout the pre, during and post travel period. A good policy will also help your employees to travel safely and efficiently, which is so important for a growing SME. 
sample travel policy

How to create the perfect policy

Corporate Traveller makes the job of designing a travel policy easy with its unique automated online travel policy tool. This online tool will build a one- or two-page policy PDF document that incorporates all the essential policy items you need to consider for safe and efficient travel. Highly visual, easy to understand and succinct, our automated online policy builder helps to simplify your travel processes and requirements so that everyone follows the ‘rules’.

Our online travel policy builder includes sections for you to answer questions about your -:

  • Booking process
  • Traveller safety
  • Domestic flights
  • International flights
  • Accommodation
  • Car hire/transport
  • Crisis care (new)
  • Corporate social responsibility & sustainability (new)
  • Additional information (new)

New to our online travel policy builder are sections for  -:

Crisis care

This new section will help you to include any rules your business has around Covid-19 that relate to company policy, health and safety management, vaccination requirements and more.

Corporate social responsibility & sustainability (CSR)

Our policy builder now has a corporate social responsibility and sustainability category to ensure your travel policy aligns with your business’s sustainability goals. Specify your carbon offsetting preferences or add a cap for carbon emissions from air travel and land transportation preferences – whatever you need to communicate to staff about CSR or travel sustainability – this is where your policy can help to support your company’s preferences.

Additional information

This new section gives you the option to add free text for bespoke policies under the newly created ‘Additional Information’ category.

All these changes have been made because of customer feedback, which recommended we add more options, questions and suppliers to the online policy builder to ensure policies covered every travel scenario.

Talk to your Corporate Traveller key contact today to learn more or to help you revise your current policy. Download an example of Corporate Traveller’s travel policy document.

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