Partner offers and benefits

accor live limitless corporate hotel offer

Hot Offer: Get up to 20% off when you book with Accor*

Choose from over 1,000 hotels acorss Australia, New Zealand, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa.

Exclusive offers for our customers

Exclusive to Corporate Traveller and to our customers, is our generous TravelSmart program including unique accommodation deals through Breakfast Plus, on-road extras through SmartDRIVE and cost-effective travel insurance through SmartCOVER

This specially curated travel program gives you loads of ‘suite’ extras every time you stay at one of our Breakfast Plus partner hotels, racy extras when you hire a car with any of our SmartDRIVE partners and coverage that’s miles ahead with our SmartCOVER insurance. Perfect for businesses that don't have contracted rates - this program is one-of-a-kind.

breakfast plus business travel benefits

Breakfast Plus

Have breakfast on us every time you stay at one of our generous Breakfast Plus hotels. Plus enjoy at least three other complimentary services. Make the most all your work perks – but only with Breakfast Plus and only with Corporate Traveller.


There’s no other car hire program like SmartDRIVE. With double Frequent Flyer points on offer when you hire a car through Avis or Hertz plus loads more benefits like daily rate discounts and VIP priority service, this is what smarter travel is all about.
Corporate Traveller smartcover 10% discount


Teaming up with Australia’s largest travel insurance operator means we can deliver a high-quality and cost-effective insurance product tailored to your business needs. In addition, Corporate Traveller customers will get 10%* discount off Covermore’s corporate policies.

Flight Centre Corporate Benefits - Holiday like a VIP

Whether or not your staff travel with Corporate Traveller, they can access exclusive benefits by signing up to receive Flight Centre deals.

Find out more

More options, more value

As part of Flight Centre Travel Group, Corporate Traveller is a preferred partner to the top airlines, hotel brands, and ground transport companies worldwide. Enjoy competitive rates and fares from our partners, the complete Expedia Affiliate Network (EAN), and exclusive deals. View the full range of partners here.

Request a Demo

Whether you already have a travel partner in place - or are not sure if your business needs one - our expert advice will help you decide. Our blended approach to business travel management makes us truly unique, request a demo to make an appointment with one of our dedicated travel experts today.